
Endpoints responses

Improvements for some Routes returns

GET /transaction/details
POST /transaction/update

*now return both only these informations and with this format :

{ "uid": "70766318-00dd-424f-80a2-ca11c1b8c6c2", "name": "proof_of_work.pdf", "white_label_uid": null, "sent_date": null, "completed_date": null, "cancel_date": null, "status": "created", "user_firstname": "Florian", "user_lastname": "de Vaulx", "company_name": "DAXIUM", "webhook_url": "", "webhook_secret": "none", "signatories": [ "275eed23-aa4b-4296-b406-4395a889f98b", "a7265034-9d0d-47a5-b0c9-9256a61e8eaf" ], "created_at": "2024-04-23T10:47:18.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-04-23T10:47:18.000000Z" }

We added the uid of the linked signatories, and deleted some useless private fields.
Swagger documentation has been enchanced with the response scheme (and /update one has been corrected, was wrongly PUT instead of POST).

GET /transaction/details
POST /transaction/update

now return both only these informations and whith this format :

{ "uid": "string", "firstname": "string", "lastname": "string", "phone": "string", "email": "string", "language": "string", "identity_provider_uid": "string", "approved_date": "2024-04-23T11:57:56.670Z", "authentication_type": "string", "visible_signature": "string", "pad_signature_path": "string", "authentication_success_token_id": "string", "transaction_id": 0, "signed_date": "2024-04-23T11:57:56.670Z", "refused_date": "2024-04-23T11:57:56.670Z", "hash_presented_pdf": "string", "customer_user_id": 0, "created_at": "2024-04-23T11:57:56.670Z", "updated_at": "2024-04-23T11:57:56.670Z", "initial_geolocation": "string", "level": "string", "lastpageshow_name": true, "lastpageshow_phone": true, "lastpageshow_mail": true, "lastpageshow_ip": true, "automation": true }
"automation" cannot be update and can only being set during the signatory creation.